TRADEMARK CLASS 6: Common metals and their alloys

A Trademark classification is used to make it easier to register all trademarks and service marks in a variety of fields with national and international trademark offices across the world. The International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services divides different goods and services into 45 Trademark Classes (1 to 34 cover goods, and 35 to… Continue reading TRADEMARK CLASS 6: Common metals and their alloys

Categorized as Trademark

TRADEMARK CLASS 2: Paints, Colorants and Preparations

Choosing the appropriate Nice classes (also known as ‘International Classes’) to file under during your trademark application can be a difficult task. Choosing the right class (es) for your trademark registration is an important part of your entire trademark protection strategy. Trademark Class 2 covers paints, dyes, colorants, varnishes, thinners, lacquers, resins, anti-preparations, primers, and… Continue reading TRADEMARK CLASS 2: Paints, Colorants and Preparations

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TRADEMARK CLASS 9: Computers, Software and Electronics

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) separate trademarks into 45 different “classes” of goods or services when structuring its registry. Examiners of trademarks are aware that not all trademarks are in direct competition with one another. A buyer looking to purchase a scientific instrument from “Investigator Specialties” would not be confused with a private… Continue reading TRADEMARK CLASS 9: Computers, Software and Electronics

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Trademark Class 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments

A Trademark classification is used to make it easier to register all trademarks and service marks in a variety of fields with national and international trademark offices across the world. The International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services divides different goods and services into 45 Trademark Classes (1 to 34 cover goods, and 35 to… Continue reading Trademark Class 10: Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments

Categorized as Trademark

TRADEMARK CLASS 12: Vehicles Locomotives

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the government office in charge of trademark registration, categorizes trademarks into 45 different “classes” of goods and services. The goal of these classes is to allow various types of businesses to register their trademarks in categories that are most closely connected to their primary business. Vehicles, devices, machinery,… Continue reading TRADEMARK CLASS 12: Vehicles Locomotives

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TRADEMARK CLASS 11: Lighting, Heating and Cooking

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) separates trademark applications into 45 different “classes” of goods or services when categorizing federal trademark applications. The goal of these classes is to allow various types of businesses to register their trademarks in categories that are most closely connected to their primary business. Class 11 includes appliances for… Continue reading TRADEMARK CLASS 11: Lighting, Heating and Cooking

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Factors Courts Consider in a Copyright Infringement Case

Fair use is frequently determined during copyright infringement litigation. A copyright holder (the plaintiff) will accuse someone of infringing on their work (the defendant). The defendant accused of infringement can now argue that the infringement was justified under the fair use doctrine. This doctrine is based on 17 U.S. Code 107, which is part of… Continue reading Factors Courts Consider in a Copyright Infringement Case

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Understanding Copyright Protection

Authors, poets, artists, and film creators, among others, have their rights to their original works protected by copyright law. A work must be “fixed in a physical medium of expression” to qualify for copyright protection. This implies that the work must exist in some physical form for at least some time, regardless of how fleeting.… Continue reading Understanding Copyright Protection

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Copyright Infringement: How Are Damage Amounts Determined?

It’s understandable that you’d want to preserve your unique work, which you’ve put a lot of time and effort into making. Getting copyright doesn’t guarantee that no one will try to steal or profit from your work, but it does provide you the option of filing a copyright and trademark infringement action to stop them… Continue reading Copyright Infringement: How Are Damage Amounts Determined?

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