Benefits of Trademark Registration in the Philippines

A brand must comply with the appropriate business registration standards and be listed in many government organizations, such as the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), the body that facilitates trademark registration in the Philippines, in order to operate lawfully and securely. The IPO defines a trademark as “both a trademark and a service mark, whereas a… Continue reading Benefits of Trademark Registration in the Philippines

Categorized as Trademark

What To Do If Someone Uses My Company’s Trademark?

Trademark Infringement of your registered mark occurs when someone uses your trademark without your permission or authorization. Trademark infringement, on the other hand, necessitates trademark registration. When someone uses a trademark that is deceptively similar to or identical to your trademark, he or she is liable under the Act for trademark infringement. If consumers assume… Continue reading What To Do If Someone Uses My Company’s Trademark?

Categorized as Trademark

Trade Secret Basics FAQ

What is a trade secret? Intellectual property includes trade secrets. A trade secret, according to U.S. state laws, can be any formula, pattern, physical device, idea, technique, or compilation of information that: Provides the owner of the information with a competitive advantage in the marketplace, and Is treated in a way that can reasonably be… Continue reading Trade Secret Basics FAQ

Rule 34 of the Regulations under the PCT

The PCT minimum documentation is the set of documents that any Office or organization must have on hand in order to be appointed as an International Searching Authority (ISA) and that any ISA must consult when conducting an international search, as defined by PCT Rule 34. It includes both patent and non-patent literature (PCT Article… Continue reading Rule 34 of the Regulations under the PCT

How Copyright Law Protects Creators of Original Works?

Copyright law grants content creators exclusive rights to reproduce and sell their creations. The rights to reproduce, perform and distribute the copyrighted work are among the exclusive rights granted by 17 U.S.C. 106 of the Copyright Act of 1976. For example, if you write a book, no one else can photocopy and sell it without… Continue reading How Copyright Law Protects Creators of Original Works?

Categorized as Copyright

Difference Between Copyright, Patent & Trademark?

While every company understands the need of protecting its intellectual property, it’s easy to become confused about what sort of intellectual property safeguards. Even prominent publications frequently get it incorrect, reporting that a corporation owns a patent on a word r copyright to a technique or procedure. Here’s a quick guide on distinguishing between copyright,… Continue reading Difference Between Copyright, Patent & Trademark?