The blog’s material (together with the original work) is already protected by copyright; all that remains is to obtain a copyright registration, if necessary. However, copyright registration cannot protect your blog’s name, logo, phrases, or combinations thereof. Trademark registration can protect such ‘Brand components.’
If you have a tiny personal blog and no aspirations to expand it, you don’t have to go to great lengths to protect your site’s intellectual property. If your blog generates revenue and you intend to develop it in the future, it’s a good idea to register your site’s intellectual property.
Trademark your blog’s brand elements
Blogs were initially intended for personal communication; however, blogs have grown into companies and are now recognized as brands. As a result, you can trademark any aspect of your blog that contributes to developing your brand image. These may include:
- Blog name.
- Any logo that you may have created for your blog.
- Slogans and phrases you may have coined for your blog distinguish it as a separate brand.
- Any patterns or combination of colors you may have created for your blog that distinguishes it as a distinct brand.
If you want to trademark a component of your blog, but it has already been done, you may encounter opposition, and your trademark application may be rejected. To make sure your trademarks are distinctive, running a trademark search is a good idea. You will have fewer issues obtaining a trademark registration if your trademark is original and distinct.
Copyright for your blog’s content
The copyright for your blog content instantly exists whenever you start it and post unique stuff on it. Anyone wishing to utilize your content must first obtain your consent. But does it never work out that way? Legal action cannot be taken until your copyright has been registered. The initial piece of proof is copyright registration.
You may maintain exclusive credit for all of your work with copyright registration. While it won’t prohibit others from utilizing your work, it will provide the foundation you need to gather proof and seek damages through legal means.
Copyright of your website design
The phrase “copyright for a website” does not exist. The design of your blog must be protected; therefore, you must list all of its distinct components (design, creative content, and text) and ensure that you are the only owner of all of its intellectual property. Having stated that, it should be noted that when web pages are generated using CSS or HTML code, the copyright, as was previously indicated, is created simultaneously with the coding (and published). The next step is registering your copyright, so your coding is protected.
Things to consider before you register the copyright for your blog:
1. Registered copyrights will cover only materials submitted with a copyright registration request. Any content you develop and post in the future won’t be protected by it. New registration is required each time you post content to your blog.
2. It might be costly to submit a fresh application each time you contribute material. The following are some benefits of copyright registration:
- When several other third-party websites are plagiarising the content you are offering and have begun sounding remarkably similar to your blog;
- When you have a sizable following of readers who frequently visit your blog for unique ideas and the helpful information you provide.
- When your blog is a business component, you lose customers due to third-party websites duplicating your work.
3. Your blog’s original material is protected even if you don’t register your copyright. If you discover infringement, you can contact the offending website and request that they remove your content (mutual resolution). Without registration, you cannot initiate a lawsuit for infringement or claim damages.