Importance Of Choosing a Distinctive Trademark: Generic Trademarks Vs Descriptive Trademarks

Is trademark important? Basically, trademark registration is tangible proof of your product or services. Trademark helps customers to judge the quality of your product or services. Trademarks have five categories that you must know:

  • Fanciful marks
  • Arbitrary marks
  • Suggestive marks
  • Descriptive marks
  • Generic marks

You can decide by checking how unique your trademark is. Let’s discuss the difference between Generic trademarks vs descriptive trademarks.

Difference Between Generic and descriptive trademarks

Generic means common. So, generic trademarks are the common names that can be used to name the product or services. These names can’t be marked to protect your product or services. For example, a brand of jeans called “jeans.” So, it only describes a product; you can’t register it as a trademark.

Whereas, Descriptive trademarks or service marks that you can use to describe a product or services to which they are applied. These are not protected; that’s why they don’t identify the source of your product or services. For example, the keyboard contains 104 keys. It only describes how many keys are on the keyboard; therefore, it could be considered a descriptive trademark.

Both Generic trademarks and descriptive trademarks have different impacts on your business. Let’s consider why they are essential and how to use them for the better.

Why Do Descriptive Trademarks Matter?

The first question arises – Why do descriptive marks matter to businesses for making profits?

Sometimes you don’t have enough time to mark your product with a good name and make it protected. You want your potential customer to come and buy stuff with already given names. Because if your mark is confusing, your potential customer moves elsewhere.

Generally, Descriptive trademarks are eye-catching and help customers towards your products and services when fashion demands quicker searches. If you want to expand your business profits with less energy, you must use descriptive trademarks.

Why Do Generic Trademarks Matter?

If we talk in general, generic trademarks lose their value over the brand, its protection, and profit too to a great extent. Due to this, your business situation might suffer a lot with every passing year. To avoid this kind of situation, you must consider the following points.

  • You can add the word ‘brand’ after your trademark when your product is in the process of packaging. It could prove beneficial for your business. For example, the Lysol brand and Poland Spring Brand.
  • You can also mix your trademark with descriptive phrases, which can help protect your brand and your business profits.


Both terms have pros n cons, but you have to choose the right path to fasten your profits with less energy. Generic trademarks vs. descriptive trademarks are both considered with their terms and conditions. When you enter the market, many competitors can take a name of already having a good brand name.

So, you have to choose the best for your company but in legal terms so that you do not need to worry about your profits in the future. Because you invest your capital in making your product or services in every customer’s mind, want help with your trademark registration? Don’t worry! Brealant Ltd is there for you. Contact us and get help with your registration.