Trademark Publication for Opposition in the Philippines
Trademark Registration – Stage 2/4
In the Philippines it is necessary to publish a trademark for opposition to give other potential trademark holders an opportunity to oppose your trademark registration.
This publication for opposition occurs after you have received preliminary authorization to register a trademark from the IPOPHL. This is the second step in the trademark registration process.

If the Trademark Examiner has no objections to the application (or if the objections were properly handled), a Notice of Allowance will be issued by the IPOPHL. The Notice of Allowance should not be ignored because if the fees are not paid within 2 months from mailing date, then the application will be considered as abandoned by the IPOPHL. After the fees have been paid, the application shall be published in the e-gazette of the IPOPHL.

Stage 2: Publication for Opposition
*includes all gov’t fees and taxes
The four stages of our Trademark Registration service:
(all in one package available on the Pricing page)
Stage 1: Trademark Application
Stage 2: Publication for Opposition (PfO)
Stage 3: Declaration of Actual Use (DAU)
Stage 4: Opposition (optional)
More information on the Publication for Opposition process

Third parties may oppose the application within thirty (30) days of the publication in the gazette. If the application is opposed, then the proceedings become adversarial because it will now be prosecuted before the Bureau of Legal Affairs of the IPOPHL.
If there is no opposition to the application within the 30 day period after publication, then the application will be deemed registered and the corresponding Certificate of Registration issued in approximately 3 to 5 months.
Note: Our fee only includes Publication for Opposition, and does not include Declaration of Actual Use or Initial Registration. If you wish to include those, please consider buying our discount package. None of our packages include Opposition (if that occurs in your specific case) because it only affects a minority of applications.