A trademark search is a rapid look through the trademark database. When you conduct a trademark search, you will obtain the following information:
- Who has applied for the same or similar trademark?
- The application number and the date of application.
- The class under which the application was made.
- The status of the application (approved/withdrawn/registered/objected/abandoned)
When Do You Need a Trademark Search?
The trademark search isn’t something you use once and then forget about; it’s something you need to bookmark.
Here are the reasons why:
Trademark Registration
- If you want to register your trademark, the first thing you should do is do a thorough search of your trademark registrations and applications. This is where the tool comes in handy. You can conduct a preliminary search to see if your trademark is available or if it has already been claimed by someone else.
- Following a preliminary search, you can contact our IP professionals to handle trademark registration on your behalf.
- We handle all of the important responsibilities so you don’t have to worry about analyzing search results, determining the appropriate class for your goods or services, or ensuring that your application is error-free.
Benefits for You
- Our search isn’t limited to word matches that are similar or identical. We also see similarities in word meanings
- We create a custom trademark search parameter to meet your specific requirements.
- We provide cost-effective services.
- We deliver timely information so you can take immediate action to safeguard your intellectual property.
- We use cutting-edge technology to detect visual and phonetic similarities.