5 Step Guide To Trademark Your Brand in Philippines

“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

1. Choosing your trademark

Here are some factors to think about while selecting a trademark: – Keep it short – Make it memorable – It should be unique – Avoid generic names or terms

“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

2. Difference between a color logo or black & white

Keep the following in mind while trademarking your logo: – When you trademark a color logo, you protect the logo and the color sequence. Any alterations are not protected. – Build your brand image around the colors of your logo.

“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

3. Check for Availability

If you are connecting to numerous classes, you should ensure that each class has availability.

“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

4. Pick the right class

The first step is to choose an appropriate class for trademark protection.  The trademark registration has established 45 classifications for various products and services.

“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

5. Mention the user date

Do you already have a brand name or logo that you’ve been using?  Great! Make a point of mentioning when you started using it in the application under ‘user date.’