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Trademark Agreement 


The Law To Preserve And Facilitate Creativity


The trademark agreement is a crucial part of trademark law.

Trademark Registration


A trademark is a distinct identity that distinguishes your organization, product, or service from the competition.  A registered trademark is the intellectual property/intangible asset of your company. It safeguards your investment in building client trust and loyalty. The registration allows you to sue anybody who attempts to imitate your trademark and prevents others from using a similar trademark to the one you registered.


What Can You Register As a Trademark?

1. Product Name: You can register a particular product’s name as a trademark. Apple’s iPod is a product name trademark. 2. Business Name: Registering a company name as a trademark is the most common route businesses take. Ex: Bajaj. 3. Person’s Name/Surname: If your name plays an important part in generating revenue, you can even trademark your name! Ex: Shah Rukh Khan has trademarked his name. 4. Abbreviations: Abbreviations of a company or brand name can also be a trademark. Ex: BMW. 5. Logo/Symbol: It is highly recommended to trademark a logo because it visually represents your brand.



Get your Trademark Registered.  Contact us for a free consultation